An afternoon in Downtown Los Angeles experiencing CoverGirl's  new vegan beauty line.

CoverGirl Clean  Fresh Party

We all gathered at Rolling Greens, a premier home and garden retailer with multiple locations in the Los Angeles area.

Kicking off the event with a fresh-pressed green juice with cucumber and lime.

I'm trying CoverGirl's Clean Fresh Skin Milk for the first time!

We mixed shades 560 and 570 to achieve my perfect match. 

Attendees got to pick out their own aloe plant to decorate and take home.

I wish my garage looked as good as this plant wall. I definitely got some home decor ideas.

I added pink sand, rose quartz, clear quartz, and pink moss to my plant.

How cool is this vegetable bar with edible flowers and "soil?" These were our salad toppings. 

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