A crunchy, flavorful way to prepare okra without using a deep fryer.

Okra is a staple in my diet. It may help naturally reduce cholesterol, improve eyesight, and is great for healthy digestion.

Okra is also rich in vitamin C, A, and magnesium. Even though okra provides several health benefits,  many dislike this vegetable due to its slimy texture.

If this is you, fried okra or “okra fries” are much more palatable. I picked up a quart at a local farmer’s market for $2.99. This recipe is pretty flavorable and affordable.

The trick for a crispier texture is all in the flour. I used chickpea flour, but you can also use all-purpose flour or any gluten-free flour alternative.

Instead of deep-frying, I bake the okra in the oven, which yields similar results. 

FInish with your favorite condiment. Visit thatschelsea.com for the full recipe. 

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